Santa Lives



The stories we believe inform how we think, speak and act. They shape who we are and who we will become. The Santa Claus story is one of the three main stories of Western Philosophy, along with the story of Christ and Capitalism.

Many people want to ban Santa. The atheists do, the anti-capitalists do, and the fundamental religious want to as well. All of these groups see the story of Santa as competition for the story they are selling. But Santa endures. The story of the fat jolly man in the red suit endures in the face of continued ridicule and claims its sinful, because it teaches virtues, values and wisdom that children and adults can use to make their individual lives better, and by doing so, protect, maintain and advance the best aspects of Western Civilization.

Why do we pass on the story of Santa to the next generation?  I used to believe it was a concerted collective conspiracy to inculcate kids for the purpose of keeping them in line and grooming them for their future of blind obedience to authority figures. I saw it as the first great lie children are told by their parents and society (the first of many) as a means to contain their near limitless energy and potential. After researching more about the archetypal meanings of ancient stories, I now see the story of St. Nick in a whole new light.

Children can become anything according to the stories they are told. They can become high-powered lawyers, hippies or headhunters depending on what values they assimilate or reject from the stories they hear. Children are wired to respond to and to think in stories.  Instinctively, all children desire to know how to survive and thrive in the adult world, and they devour stories from their parents and the wider culture in which they live, to do accomplish this. The story of Santa Claus and the accompanying rituals can help children learn the lessons which can help them become well adjusted, compassionate, responsible, successful adults.

The Santa Story is well known throughout the entire world. The basic components of the myth are that children must “believe in Santa”, they must “be good all year”, they must “write him or speak to him to tell him what they want”, and they must “offer a sacrifice of cookies and milk” before he gives them their gifts. The entire narrative is structured in a way to teach the absolute best values which underpin the Western Philosophy of thought.

  1. Belief in a better world – One must believe in Santa Claus, who represents the  “GOOD FATEHR”, who in archetypal terms represents Culture, Tradition and Reason. Belief is an individual choice. Western thought is based upon the idea that the individual is sacred and is responsible for the choices he makes. As kids age they  find out from their peer group that Santa doesn’t exist as the story states. They usually find out from their peer group that Santa doesn’t physically exist. This is one of the few coming of age traditions in the West and helps the child to leave the childish thoughts behind and explore explicitly the formerly implicit lessons, values and wisdom that the story of Santa teaches. The belief that if you believe in a better future, work hard, set goals and sacrifice to make them happen is the archetypal residue left imprinted on the child’s subconscious, whether they realize it or not. I’d urge parents to consider teaching children the true meaning of the Santa myth and its significance when the revelation of Santa not being real is found out.
  2. You better be good for goodness sake – The 24/7 surveillance Santa and his Naughty and Nice List, at first glance seem like the prototype for the NSA but in reality they are metaphoric devices that teach children  lessons about the power of the choices they make. The constant surveillance and yearly judgment by Santa teaches kids that they have the free will to choose to be “bad or good”. They also learn that if they are “good” (defined by their parents teachings and culturally appropriate behavior) they’ll be rewarded in the form of presents at Christmas. This helps children practice deferring gratification. This skill to sacrifice immediate gratification for long term gain is one of the main predictors of a child’s chance at success later in life. Being judged as good or bad also helps children to regulate their emotions. This goes along with the deferring gratification. In the moment it feels good to do bad but the long term consequences of such rash behavior motivated by anger, envy, jealousy or fear are negative. Kids at this age need boundaries as well. I used to think this was a part of the story that was added to create easily controlled conformist non-thinkers who wouldn’t question authority later in life. In reality, the lessons kids learn about being good at this age are for the most part extremely valuable. What are kids taught when they are young? Pick up your toys (learn organization), learn to share and not steal (learn to trade), be respectful to their parents (respect the traditions of the past), and follow the rules of the tribe. These are what children need to learn at an early age. In a broader context as well it teaches that you must produce in order to consume. It’s only after a year of good behavior will the child be rewarded.
  3. Asking for what you want – On the surface it seems ridiculous to teach kids to write letters to a god who lives in the North Pole or to speak in person to him. But these are skills which are actually beneficial. Having children “ask” with words what they want helps them to begin the life long process of goal setting. It’s a well established fact that people who write down their goals are more successful then people who don’t. This proto-goal-setting exercise helps them to clarify their thinking, begin to learn about opportunity costs, and about speaking into existence an imagined better future. And what do kids mostly ask for? They ask for toys and games. Children learn the rules of life by playing games and playing with toys. Remember, Santa represents the Good Father which represents Culture, Tradition and Reason, he is brining them toys to help them learn how to behave and thrive within the society they live in.
  4. Leaving Milk and Cookies – The tradition of leaving out the Milk and Cookies is akin to a pagan sacrifice of the old days. Sacrificing the best of what you have or your favorite thing to a deity in the past was a symbol of your ability to negotiate with the future, through work and sacrifice, to create a better life for yourself and those you love. This helps kids further experience through ritual action the values that will serve them well in life: that you have to produce before you consume, that humans respond to the law of reciprocity, and that sacrificing a tasty treat which could be enjoyed in the present for something better in the future, will lead to a better future down the road.
  5. Presents Under the Tree – There isn’t much more magical then running down the stairs to open presents on Christmas as a child. What appears to be simple consumerism driven by the “evil capitalists” is actual a critical part of a child’s maturation process. Many unseen lessons lurk behind the bows and wrapping paper. Toys and games are the way that a child learns about his or her internal and external environment. Also, the surprise aspect of opening wrapped Christmas presents helps to link a positive aspect in the child’s mind to the unknown future. Even though most kids get a lot from Santa they don’t get everything from their list. This teaches them that even if they are “good all year” they won’t always get everything they want in life.  And a final lesson of opening presents is the need to express gratitude, for the gifts of the present as well as to be grateful for the best aspects of our traditions and culture.
  6. Turning the House into a Temple: decorating for Christmas is one of the greatest spiritual acts most people do without even being aware of it. The Christmas decorations are a mixture of Christian and Ancient symbols. When you decorate with garland, holly, mistletoe and the Christmas tree along with the lights that accompany them, you are turning you home into a temple to receive the blessings of the Good Mother and the Good Father. This is an ancient idea that is worth preserving. The natural part of these decorations – the evergreen plants represent the GOOD MOTHER – who is dormant outside but the blessings of Life which comes from her, is alive and well inside the home, expressed through the greenery, the warmth of the hearth and through the abundance of food. The Good Father is represented as well in the form of the lights inside and outside the home as well as all of the rituals which have been passed down through the millennia which help people prepare for and survive through the winter. This doesn’t take anything away from the story of Jesus. In fact, the Santa Claus story is complimentary to the story of Jesus, who in archetypal terms is the Redemptive Hero, whose path we should all seek to follow in our own lives.

Children learn through stories. Those who are taught the story of Santa learn some of the most powerful virtues and values the Western System of Thought has to offer. Along with the stories of Christ and Capitalism, the enduring story of Santa Claus helps to create a better now, during the Christmas Holiday Season and also helps to ensure the continued flourishing of the best aspects of Western Culture.

[T]he Christian religion when divested of the rags in which they [the clergy] have inveloped it, and brought to the original purity & simplicity of its benevolent institutor, is a religion of all others most friendly to liberty, science, & the freest expression of the human mind,” Thomas Jefferson

I think that the Santa Claus story should be embraced by all, including Christians. The myth of Santa was  inspired by the real life of Saint Nicholas, a Christian, who lived in the 4th century AD. He was famous for giving gifts to those less fortunate. If you believe as James wrote in the Bible “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” : then the Story of Santa is a gift from God and we should all be grateful for that.

Jordan Peterson’s audio version “Maps of Meaning”

Forbes article: Neuroscience and the importance of writing down your goals

Psychology Today: Benefits of Delaying Gratification

Merry Christmas,

Brad Miller

Pain relief from Kratom Tea – and I how I prepare it

Kratom is a plant that grows wild in Southeast Asia. It’s been used for hundreds, if not thousands of years, for pain relief and boosting energy. It’s ingested in capsules full of the loose leaf or the powdered whole leaf is brewed in a tea and consumed. I’ve been helped greatly by using Kratom in both capsule and tea form to help manage my chronic pain in the last six months.

How I make my Kratom Tea

(You can watch my video on how I prepare my tea each morning)

I’ve been sick for over 30 years and have taken opioid medication pretty much non stop since I had my first surgery at the age of 12. I’ve had a bunch of abdominal surgeries due to Ulerative Colitis. My pain is gallbladder, adhesions and possibly Crohns. I’ve been told by my surgeon that I have a history belly – and this hostile belly is constantly at war with me.

This year I was cut off from getting pain meds from my primary care doctor and all I can say is, thank god I found Kratom.

Kratom not only helps to manage my pain but it also made getting off of pain pills a breeze. I’m not physically or psychological addicted to prescription opioids but my body was habituated to taking the narcotics. Normally when I’d stop taking pain pills I’d be absolutely miserable. It would be a week or two of misery. Being sick and in pain and going through withdrawal on top of that was pure torture.

(This is where I buy my Kratom from: )

Thanks to Kratom, when I stopped talking my Tramadol I had none of the body aches, or horrible restlessness or sleepless nights. It was incredible.

I’ve been experimenting with using Kratom for over six months now. I take it two to four times a day as a tea. My current supplier is Natural Ice Organics. I picked them because of their testing. I’ve stepped up to buying it bulk to save money as well.

If you have only been taking capsules and are curious about drinking Kratom as a tea, I say go for it. But be warned the taste is extremely bitter. It took me weeks to get over the taste. Some people add sugar, honey, or lemon to make it taste better. Personally I’ve found adding peppermint flavored CBD oil (which has helped my inflammation issues) almost masks the taste 100%.

When I first started taking Kratom I took it in capsule form and I even began making my own. The downsides of taking capsules is that it costs more – a lot more than loose leaf – and it can be a mess if you choose to make your own.

To make Kratom Tea I alternate between Green or Red Thai (I find Red has better pain killing qualities for me) and I use a digital scale to weigh out anywhere from six to ten grams, depending on my pain level for that day. That’s what is great about being able to buy Kratom without someone’s “permission”, you can adjust your doseage to your current level of pain.

My pain level can fluctuate greatly in the course of day let alone a month. When I was on chronic pain medicine management it didn’t matter if one day I hurt more than another. I had the exact same number of pills to take. While on the pain management protocol (they force you to sign a contract and submit to drug testing) you’re strictly limited to how many pills you have for the month.

If your pain is bad and you take more on one day then have to cut back on another day, or go without for how ever many days are until you could refill your prescription. The whole system is insane. I’m so glad to be outside of the chronic pain management bureaucracy. It was very demeaning to be drug tested, harassed by pharmacies, and insurance companies over my pain medicine. It is an inhumane system.

Without Kratom I’d be forced back into it and it’s even worse now. If I have to go and get prescription pain meds I’ll have to go through the pain clinic system. What cost me $40 a month and the price of four doctor visits last year, would now cost me around $2500 for just the monthly doctor visits and drug testing. Chronic pain patients are treated like parolees who’ve been convicted of a crime. My only crime is that I have chronic pain and my life depends on me finding a way to manage it.

In the morning I weigh out my Kratom and pour boiling water over it. Then I let it steep for 15 minutes at least. After that I either add ice (I find it more palatable if it’s cold) or I’ll just sip on it for an hour as it cools. When it gets down to the powdered sludge at the bottom of my cup, I add more water and then drink it over the course of another 30min to an hour. I repeat the process until I’ve consumed all the powder sludge is gone.

Within minutes I’m feeling better after taking my first sip. In thirty minutes or so I start feeling some pain relief. I find Kratom helps me with mild to moderate pain. But I find it doesn’t touch the pain when it gets really bad. I wish that we lived in a free society in which people who are suffering could get the relief they needed without being treated like a criminal.

I find that the effects last four to six hours. And unlike with prescription pain killers, I don’t have the intense short spike of pain relief followed by a steep crash. Kratom delivers a much more pleasant subtle experience without the intense mood altering effects that can occur with pain pills.

Depending on my day I’ll drink two to four cups per day. Kratom tea has given me back some of a life that’s been destroyed by not having pain meds. But from that destruction I’ve found hope and freedom. The hope that I can live a life with less pain due to drinking Kratom tea each day and the freedom to treat my pain as I see fit without kowtowing to the increasingly regimented and callous medical system and without being a pawn in the politically driven opioid crisis hysteria.

If you use Kratom please share your experiences in the comments. The more we talk about it the harder it will be for the DEA to make Kratom a schedule One Drug along with LSD, Heroin and Cannabis.

The reason they want to ban it is because, like Cannabis, it is so effective at helping millions of people. It’s estimated up to five million Americans use it everyday. People have used Kratom for anxiety, pain relief, sleep, and for energy. It along with Cannabis has helped tremendously.

If you have been helped by Kratom you might want to check out The American Kratom Association. They are fighting the good fight and helped to get the DEA’s ban reversed back in 2016 and they are working hard to keep Kratom legal today.

American Kratom Association

Wishing you health and wellness,

Brad Miller

Help, I’m being tortured by the U.S. Federal Government- my perspective on how the war on chronic pain patients violates the U.S. Constitution

I’m being tortured by the U.S. Federal Government. I’ve been convicted of a crime without trial and with zero evidence presented. I’m being held in isolation against my will for the rest of my natural life.

What could I’ve done that was so horrible to garner the wrath of the most powerful government on the planet? What could possibly have been my crime that caused them to torture me and condemn me to a lifetime of isolation? I must have done something horrible for them to violate the 4th, 8th, 9th and 10th amendments of the document that The United States Federal Government was founded upon. I must be one of the worst most dangerous terrorists to ever live, right?

What was my crime that I’ve been treated so criminally by the government?

My crime simply that I am in chronic pain and I’ve sought relief for it.

Yep that’s it. Because I was on chronic pain narcotics I’ve been branded as a criminal, sentenced to a lifetime of torture and isolation for the rest of my life.

For those who aren’t in chronic pain or have never experienced severe physical pain this might appear to be overly dramatic. Trust me it’s not. I’ve been ill and in chronic pain for over thirty years. I’ve taken pain medicine up until five months ago for it. Nothing has changed as far as my pain goes, only my conviction by the FDA and DEA has.

Now, no one from the Federal Government has come out directly and said that I shouldn’t have pain medicine. Bureaucracies are too clever for that. They have later after layer of people that filter down their directives so that when I’m finally face with my doctor (for about 5 minutes) and he says he doesn’t care about my pain, I have absolutely no recourse.

No one in the enormous Federal Government who make the rules ever have to deal face to face with the people whose lives they affect.

Doctors no longer work for the patient. They are effectively government employees who view insurance companies as their main customers.

In all fairness my doctor did refer me to a pain clinic. He followed the sentencing (I mean prescribing) guidelines. But that pain clinic couldn’t help me because they don’t take self pay patients or patients with GI related pain. I called nine others and only two would say they’d see me.

But they couldn’t guarantee me that they could help me even after I paid the exorbitant initial assessment fee. I don’t believe I should be coerced into this system of chronic pain contracts and mandatory drug testing and pill counting, which in reality is just a disturbing hybrid of the prison and the medical industrial complex.

I don’t need cortisol shots or more surgery. Nearly all pain clinics deal with back pain and bone related issues. My issues are caused by scar tissue and a gallstone that no surgeon wants to remove. The pain clinics aren’t set up to help someone like me.

By forcing me into a system designed to make sure parolees aren’t using illegal drugs violates, the government is violating at least four of the Constitutional amendments as well as the very fundamental principles it was based upon.

It’s ironic that I’m being treated like a criminal by those who are illegally violated the Constitution.

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. Eighth Amendment

I think that forcing me to pay for a service I don’t want that is based upon the prison system parolee model, clearly violates the 8th amendment of excessive fines. Even if it’s called a “fee” I’m being fined for being in chronic pain and being punished for trying to find relief from the state mandated supplier of the remedy.

I’ve been convicted of being a chronic pain patient and in order to receive the $40 pain medicine I need each month, I now have to go see a pain clinic doctor who charges $400-$600 for his initial visit, plus if he does deem me worthy of pain medicine, (which if he doesn’t I have zero recourse and I’ll be labeled as a drug seeker in the state database) then I’ll have to go back ever 28 days and pay another $125 for urine testing and blood testing. Only then can I pay for my $40 medication.

This is crony Capitalism at its worst. This is a perfect example of an industry (the pain clinic folks, addiction specialists, drug makers who are pushing their expensive alternatives to cheap and effective pain medicine along with the drug testing companies), using state power to enrich the few at the expense of the many who are suffering and without any power in Washington.

Denying me pain medicine which my doctors have done and forcing me into an arbitrary and expensive system which I don’t need is tantamount to cruel and unusual punishment. Since I’ve not had pain medicine I’ve been in excruciating pain. If you deny someone the ability to buy a proven and safe medicine which they’ve taken in the past, and which helps relieve or at least take the edge of their pain, it’s the same as inflicting the pain they are suffering yourself.

This is an example of why individual rights are so vital. Once economically interested parties can have regulations written that violate your rights this is what can occur. You can be stuck in horrible pain with no one to help you.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. Fourth Amendment

The Fourth Amendment is meant to keep the government out of your business. Just because I’m in pain and seek relief from it , I don’t forfeit my Right to Privacy.

As a Chronic Pain Patient I’m not secure in my own body because by law pain doctors are required to see me every 28 days (if I’m forced into their parolee pain clinic racket) and forced to give up my blood and urninr which they will analyze to see if I’m taking the medicine as prescribed and not taking anything else. Since the doctor is acting as an extension of government by doing this I believe that warrant should be necessary for this violation of privacy.

The information being gathered is being taken by a government licensed person acting according to law (mostly to regulations – this is a way for governments to steal your rights without anyone ever voting on them) and being recorded in a government database. A warrant should needed to do this and it should only be issued if there is probable cause.

If I don’t sign the contract I’ll be denied what I argue is life saving medication. What is the probable cause? Just because I have chronic pain I am a criminal? Am I not innocent before proven guilty? And what am I being accused of being anyway? I’ve done nothing wrong except be in excruciating pain and asking to purchase $40 worth of medicine so I don’t hurt so much. That’s it.

I’m not an addict or have I ever overdosed and I never would. There’s no reason a doctor should be piss testing me every 28 days because I’m taking a medication that is extremely safe and effective, and which I’ve been taking in one form or another for 30 years.

If I don’t sign the pain contract and submit to the monthly testing and give up my right to privacy I’ll be denied pain medicine. And if you are signing a contract under duress it’s not legally binding. A pain contract is a form of blackmail. If you don’t sign it you’ll suffer. The government is complicit along with doctors effectively torturing those who refuse to submit to their violations of the Constitution and basic human compassion.

Let’s say I do go to a pain clinic and by some miracle they do accept me as a chronic pain patient, and I submit to the monthly testing, what happens if my pain doesn’t stay on schedule? I’ll have to just suffer. That again is a form of torture. If you can cheaply and easily relieve someone’s pain and they are willing to pay for the product and you deny them, you are discriminating in the worst possibly way

It’s not the government’s fault if you suffer more pain than what they allotted to relieve. The whole system epitomizes what’s wrong with centralized bureaucracies that don’t respect individuals rights. When the government gets involved out goes compassion and common sense and they are replaced by rigid regimentation and diffused responsibility.

I’ve committed no crimes yet I’m treated like a criminal. My rights have been violated and they just don’t cause me to suffer more physical pain then I should but they also caused massive emotional pain as well. Do to my inability to get relief for my physical pain I’ve become more and more isolated – those who engineered and benefit from this criminal system have basically sentenced me to solitary confinement.

They’ve sentenced me to be alone. When you are sick and in pain you don’t want to be around other people and people don’t want to be around you. After a while people stop inviting you out for things because you cancel so much, they stop calling you because you have nothing to say, except how much you hurt and how miserable you are and then the texting stops, because they know your life has become your pain and you are effectively in solitary confinement.

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. Ninth Amendment

This is an amendment to be honest I had totally forgotten about. It doesn’t get brought up a lot but it does apply here. The entire spirit of the Bill of Rights is that the individual is sovereign over their own mind and body. This is demonstrated by the first and second amendment. The first amendment guarantees freedom of speech and religion – this is sovereignty over one’s mind. The second amendment guarantees the right to defend one’s person and property by guaranteeing that no laws are passed that restrict the ownership of firearms.

Just because the Constitution doesn’t say explicitly that I have the right to take what medicines I choose and to bear the responsibility for that choice doesn’t mean the government can brand me a chronic pain criminal and deny me the right to purchase a safe and effective medication. If you are sovereign over your thoughts and your body then you have the understood right to ingest what substances you choose.

The revolutionary idea that sparked the greatest increase of human flourishing that ever occurred in the history of mankind, the idea that the Constitution of The United States of America was founded upon is this:

Every individual’s rights comes from their humanity and not from the state. So it’s assumed individuals have a right to do what they want to with their body and mind without interference from the state, as long as it doesn’t interfere with the right of others to do the same.

If they real

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. Tenth Amendment

The tenth amendment has also been violated by the FDA’s guidelines and the entire DEA, prescription racket system. This further erosion of my rights is symptomatic of corrupt system that artificially raises the cost of healthcare while denying individuals the right to make their own choices about what do to live a better life.

Anything not specified by the Constitution should be handled at the state level which also has to be inline with the Bill of Rights. The Federal Government has no right according to the Constitution to regulate drugs of any kind. And the states do not either if the original intent of the Constitution is respected and the ninth amendment is adhered to.

I have zero faith that anyone in power cares about the Constitution. The same type of people who allow millions of pain patients to suffer, like me, are the same ones who allow wars to be fought around the world without Congressional approval. They are the same ones who keep cannabis illegal, who want to ban Kratom and who make it almost impossible to bring back psychedelics as an adjunct to psychotherapy. The same people in the FDA are in the pockets of big pharma and the DEA is in bed the prison industrial system.

I’ve done absolutely nothing wrong except that I had an autoimmune disease when I was 12, that was so bad that it required a major surgery and that surgery didn’t go right. Since them I’ve been stuck with chronic unending pain. And now the very medical establishment who failed me in the past now doesn’t want to help me in the present with the one thing it can do to help me.

I’ve been effectively branded by the FDA and DEA as a chronic pain criminal. I have no advocate in the healthcare system, the doctors are so scared of these government agencies they’ve abandoned their oath to help the sick and suffering. The ones who might be able to help me charge an insane amount of money and require me to submit to be treated like a criminal.

I’m thankful that my jailers haven’t banned Kratom yet. I know they are working on that. If it wasn’t for Kratom I’d been forced into their pain parolee clinic system. To be honest if things don’t improve I’ll have to find a pain clinic, pay their exorbitant fines and be treated like a parolee, whose only crime is that I am in pain, and I live in a country that has lost its way and now views suffering patients as criminals, politicians and bureaucrats as doctors and doctors as law enforcement agents.

I can’t end my sentence of chronic pain. My pain will be with me until the day I die. The only question is how much unnecessary torture will I have to endure because I’ve been branded a chronic pain criminal by the suits in Washington – my only crime: Having chronic pain.

I you too have suffered because of the hysteria over the opioid crisis please leave a comment. The politicians and economically interested parties are exploited the most vulnerable members of society for money. Let’s join together and tell Washington DC we’ve had enough. Seeking to relieve your Pain isn’t a crime and just because someone is suffering doesn’t mean the Constitution no longer applies.

Brad Miller

Kratom saves lives – you don’t have to make hell your home

I am truly free for the first time in over thirty years. For the last three decades I’ve suffered from chronic pain due to GI issues and the surgeries meant to correct it. I had a big surgery last August that has helped but didn’t totally eliminate the chronic pain.

During this time I’ve been beholden to the medical community for the relief of my chronic pain. Now due to Kratom I no longer have to try and convince others how I feel or be treated like a parolee for desiring to hurt less.

My seven year old niece said something profound the other day. She said that other people cant feel your feelings. That is so true.

When you are in chronic pain and reliant on pain killers to live, you have to try and get doctors, pharmacists and insurance stooges to “feel” what you’re feeling. But with the hysteria surrounding opioid pain meds, no one seems to care or to be listening any more.

I was cut off by my GP recently and told to go see a pain clinic for my chronic pain meds – which his office had been prescribing me for the last three years. The pain clinic he referred me to wouldn’t treat me due to my pain being GI related and that they didn’t take my insurance.

As my stock of pain pills began to dwindle I called about ten pain clinics and only two said they would consider treating my GI related pain but couldn’t make any promises about writing a prescription for pain meds. They said I’d first have to get an assessment which would cost between $375-$600 – because they don’t accept my insurance. If the doctor deemed me worthy of a pain med script I’d have to come back every month and shell out about $200 per month forever, because I’d need to be tested monthly, like some kind of criminal.Instead of being a pawn in the larger Opioid hysteria money grab, I no longer have to fear running out of opioid pain meds – because for the first time in 30 years I’m not taking them. And I haven’t gone through the soul crushing hell inducing withdrawal symptoms I normally would have been sentenced to because of Kratom.

Kratom is a plant from Southeast Asia that has been used for thousands of years to alleviate pain and fatigue. It has truly saved my life. I thought I’d be beholden to the medical establishment forever because of pain med scripts. Now I’m free.

When you are in pain it feels like hell. When you are in pain and going through withdrawal symptoms it feels like you’ll never escape this hell. With Kratom I no longer have to fear making hell my home for any length of time.

I have had great success recently with using Maenga Da, Red vein Thai and Bali strains for pain, to overcome fatigue, alleviate anxiety and to virtually eliminate all withdrawal symptoms. It has been miraculous.

In the mornings I take .75 grams of Maenga Da with .5 to 1 gram of Red Vein Thai or Bali for additional pain relief. Before lunch or in the Afternoon I’ll take another Maenga Da. I’ve found Maenga Da excellent for physical and mental energy as well as pain relief. The Thai and Bali are better for relaxation and I tend to take larger doses of those up to 5-6grams before bedtime.Urban Ice Organics – Sampler Pack

The Kratom source I trust now is Urban Ice Organics. They do a five panel test on all the batches of Kratom they order which screens for heavy metals, pesticides and salmonella. I heard about their company from Chris Bell, the director of Bigger Faster Stronger and an upcoming Kratom documentary, on the Joe Rogan Experience. He shared his experience with using Kratom for pain relief and getting off pain pills with Joe Rogan.

JRE #876 Chris Bell discusses Kratom with Joe Rogan

He recommended the Urban Ice Organics company and gave Joe some to take during the podcast. That was enough of a recommendation for me to give them a try. I ordered their sampler pack and after some trial and error found a stack that has changed my life in tremendously positive ways.

I now can now live a fuller life because of Kratom. Pain is still with me but I now have a natural plant product I can buy without needing to convince a doctor to prescribe me it and I can change up the amount I take depending on my pain levels.

Kratom not only helps to ease my pain but it also has helped to just about eliminate the terrible fatigue I’ve suffered with all my life. I find that I am less anxious, don’t suffer from mental fog like I used to and I don’t have the huge emotional swings I had while I was on opioid pain meds. The effects of Kratom come on very subtly and taper off the same way.

It has been a truly life changing experience taking Kratom instead of opioid pain meds. I’m free from the tyranny of the prescription pad, I’m free from the hell of withdrawal symptoms and I’m free from suffering needlessly. Instead of being unproductive I’m now working, I started a T-shirt Company ( @Libertee4u on Instagram), I walk 3 plus miles per day, I’ve joined the Mushroom Club of GA, I went to Easter Dinner at someone else’s house (that’s huge for me), I cook three times a week and I washed my car for the first time in about ten years last weekend.

Kratom has saved my life or more precisely it has granted me the ability to live a life worth living. I now can make plans in the short term as well as long term without fear of pain or fatigue. I can socialize after work, I can keep my room and my car clean, I can think about dating, I can make music playlists, and most importantly, I’m able to look forward to a tomorrow in which I’m not miserable. That is truly miraculous.

I feel like I’m Lazarus and have been raised from the dead by Kratom.

Brad Miller

Death panels, opioid crisis and chronic pain

“The Law”

The law perverted! And the police powers of the state perverted along with it! The law, I say, not only turned from its proper purpose but made to follow an entirely contrary purpose! The law become the weapon of every kind of greed! Instead of checking crime, the law itself guilty of the evils it is supposed to punish!

If this is true, it is a serious fact, and moral duty requires me to call the attention of my fellow-citizens to it. Frederic Bastiat French Economist 1850

One hundred and sixth eight years since this was written about the French government we are seeing the exact same thing occur here in America. The opioid hysteria has created a barbaric, evil, and insidious regulation and severe restriction of pain medication while at the same time enriching a few who use the force of law to profit from the misery and pain of others.

I’ve been in chronic pain for over thirty years now. It all started with a severe case of Ulcerative Colitis that required a major surgery to save my life. It didn’t go well. That began my horrible and terrifying relationship with physical pain.

My main relationship in my life since I can remember has been pain. It is always with me, demands my attention, and requires me to attend to it day and night. It is persistent and unrelenting.

I’ve been fortunate to have doctors who’ve in the past believed that I shouldn’t suffer needlessly and provided me with pain medicine. This helped me to eke out, somewhat of a life, in between the hospital stays and surgeries. Even with pain meds I still hurt but as long as I know I can take one or two at night to rest and sleep I can endure the pain throughout the day.

That has all changed since the hysteria machine around opioids has been unleashed upon us. My GP was providing chronic pain management with opioids for the last three years. He stopped this year in large part, I believe, because of the fear of attracting unwanted attention from regulators.

What makes this so insidious is that he isn’t even in trouble for anything yet, and he chose to stop for fear of something that may or may not happen in the future. My pain is a certainty. It’s easier for doctors to say no then it is for them to take a risk. You’ll here some say they are afraid of losing their licenses but that to me is an excuse for not wanting to stand up for their patients and their supposed principles.

When good people don’t stand up, tyranny and injustice multiplies. I’m experiencing that myself with my recent attempts to obtain pain medicine. My GP referred me to a pain clinic. I called them and after a week of back and forth phone calls they finally decided they didn’t accept my “limited benefit plan”, didn’t accept new self-pay patients and didn’t treat GI patients.

I did ask them if they knew of any pain clinics that did treat people with GI related pain and they said no. So long story short I called all the doctors I’ve known for about thirty years and they were no help, I called about ten pain clinics and none accepted my insurance, and almost none treated GI related pain and they didn’t have anyone they could recommend me to. One did wish me the best of luck though.

I did find a couple on my own that would consider treating me but they couldn’t guarantee that the doctor would deem me worthy of a prescription for pain killers until he saw me. I’d have to come in for an initial assessment. In order to see the holy doctor I’ll have to shill out $375 – $600 for the first visit depending on which pain clinic I decide to go to. This is insanity.

On top of the initial charge for the “assessment” if they are so “merciful” to grant me one of their precious prescriptions for pain killers, I’ll have to come back for monthly visits like I’m some kind of goddamn parolee. And each monthly visit will run around $200.

I’ve seen this process of demonizing people in pain slowly developing over the course of my thirty plus year odyssey of pain. I remember when doctors were told they could no longer call in pain pill prescriptions, I remember the first time I heard a doctor express concern about the DEA when I asked for pain medicine, and I remember when I was forced to sign a pain contracts and get urine tested every 90 days like I was a convicted criminal. All of these incremental policies did nothing to ease my pain or make me “safer” from myself. Instead they are what has led us to where we are today.

The Law has been perverted to reap profits for the pharmaceutical industries, the doctors and the addiction industry. Their profits are paid for by the misery and pain of millions of Americans who have no lobbyists and have been abandoned by the medical community.

Besides the profits that those who benefit from this type of hysteria are raking in, I belief there is a dark undercurrent at work as well. We are rapidly approaching more and more regimented healthcare. Chronically ill folks like me are a drain on the system in the eyes of central planners. I do firmly believe there are those who believe in the tenets of centralized medicine who would prefer I was not around soaking up “healthcare resources”.

Pain pills are extremely cheap though. Last year including doctors visits for chronic pain management plus the cost of my pain medicine added up to around $600. Now I’m stuck with a tab, if I’m able to obtain a prescription, of around $3800. That is insane. But my surgeries and hospital stays have cost insurance companies millions. If I stick around I’ll more than likely need more surgeries and hospital stays.

When did it become okay to bully people in pain? When did it become okay to treat people in physical pain like criminals? When did it become okay to rape them with insane costs for doctor visits? When did it become okay to make people in pain ashamed or afraid to ask their doctor for pain medicine? When did it become okay for doctors to refuse to treat people in pain? When did it become okay to deny one of the only truly effective treatments medical doctors have at their disposal?

The options for people in pain today are worse then they’ve been since before the discovery of the effectiveness of the poppy plant to alleviate physical suffering thousands of years ago. Those who are in pain and denied or restricted pain medication are effectively being forced to live in the Stone Age.

I believe that those in chronic pain are being pushed into making some extremely difficult decisions. The choices are to find alternatives on the black market, try to continue in agony or end their life. All three are a death sentence handed down by the uncaring, ignorant and greedy individuals in the government and the medical industry.

Living in pain is like being in hell. The one description of hell I liken it to is not the fire and pitchfork type but the cold and desolate hell, where God is totally absent. If you believe that God represents all that is good in the world then living in physical pain is the absence of all of that.

Being in pain makes life unbearable. The equation that everyone makes each day is, “is the pain of life worth the results of your actions?” For me the answer is many times no.

A few years ago Sarah Palin (I’m not a fan) was lambasted for daring to suggest that Obamacare had provisions for a death panel in order to ration healthcare. Today we are seeing this concept put into action. Chronic pain patients are being denied the very treatment that would save their lives. The new opioid regulations are effectively a form of a “Death Panel” but it’s so diffused throughout the system no one takes responsibility for denying people in pain the relief they need to continue living.

I believe that a part of the medical community, some in the insurance industry and many in the government are all too happy to get rid of the chronic pain patient because they are easy targets, they soak up resources and remind them and others of the failures of modern medicine. Most chronic pain patients have had multiple surgeries or have an intractable disease that modern medicine can’t treat effectively. This is another driver of the propaganda pushing the opioid crisis narrative. The opioid hysteria is focusing on the wrong target. Pain patients aren’t the problem. Only about 1% or less become addicted. The opioid overdoses we hear so much about are really caused black market drugs laced with illicit fentanyl. Many pain patients are being pushed into this market by the increasing cost, time demands and humiliation required to obtain life saving pain medication. The very law meant to save lives is killing people while others make a tidy profit. (I’m not against profit. I’m against individuals and industries using the force of government to obtain it.)I’m not an addict. I’m just in pain. My abdomen hurts all the time. From adhesions pulling and stretching my insides to a pancreas/gall bladder/bile duct issue that hasn’t been properly diagnosed or treated, I suffer everyday of my life from the time I get up to the time I finally fall asleep.I wish I was stronger but the pain wins everyday. If I keep busy enough I can keep its shouting down to tolerable levels. But once I stop moving it returns like a bullhorn from hell. Pain medicine simply helps dial down the volume. The Law is meant to protect individual rights. It has been perverted today, as Bastiat wrote, to enrich a small group of people who use the force of the government to satisfy their greed while violating the rights of individuals. They are using the Law to violate my natural right to consume what I choose and to bear the responsibility of my choices. Pain medicine isn’t an evil that should be locked away behind armed government agents and doctors who are either scared or greedy, but should be available at the low cost the market puts on them for those who choose to take them. Physical pain creates a living hell for millions of Americans. It destroys hope, severs relationships, and poisons the mind. Pain medicine can help ease their physical and emotional suffering. I do have an appointment to see a pain doctor on April 4th. It will be at his discretion if he prescribes pain pills or not. That’s after I fork over $400 for the initial assessment. Where else do you give someone $400 for a service and don’t have a right or ability to know if the service you are seeking will be provided or not? It is insane how far this opioid hysteria has gone. On the surface the purpose of all these punitive and restrictive laws are to protect people from themselves.They are said to save lives but all they are doing is ruining the lives of millions of peaceful, productive and suffering fellow Americans whose bodies have already betrayed them. This further betrayal by the medical system has too many pain patients making the awful but understandable decision to end their suffering the only way they know how. They are being forced into taking their own lives due to the barbaric and unfeeling bureaucratic machine that cut them off from the one thing that allowed them to stay alive on this planet.Death is the only way out for those suffering from intractable pain if they are denied pain medicine. I’ve contemplated it in the past myself and have struggled with those type of thoughts during this stressful stretch of time while trying to find a doctor who will help me. I won’t go to the black market. I don’t trust it. So I can either suffer another ten days or so and hope that the doctor will find my suffering worthy or I can end my time here on planet Earth. I’ve tried alternative therapies like Kratom and Cannabis, both of which for me help with withdrawal symptoms, but not so much with the pain. I’m miserable tonight. I know I’ll wake up in pain and I’ll go to bed in pain tomorrow. It’s 4:00am and I have to get up at 6:30am to get ready for work. I’m so tired of hurting. I know if I kill myself those closest to me will be devastated. They like me for some reason even though I feel worthless, unreliable and unsociable most of the time. I known if I do end my life the little ones in my life would be most hurt. I read one time that if you have children in your life who love you and you commit suicide, it’s like hitting them in the head with a hammer. I won’t do that tonight. That’s why I’ll get up in a couple hours. That’s why I’ll continue on another day. Brad

Mom’s Simple Shiitake Mushroom Soup

Shiitake mushrooms are amazing. They are not only vastly superior to portobellos in taste but they have more health benefits as well.

My mom had breast cancer last year and I help out preparing healthy meals for her as much as I can. One meal that she has really enjoyed lately and which packs a ton of healthy cancer fighting goodness is a simple Japanese inspired Shiitake Mushroom soup.

Shiitake mushrooms have many beneficial compounds that have been shown to lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure and reduce the size of cancer tumors. It also has anti-viral and anti-bacterial compounds as well.

The soup takes less than an hour from start to finish and served about six.

Mom’s Shiitake Soup

  1. One medium cleaned unpeeled sweet potato – diced in half inch pieces
  2. 1/2 box organic chicken stock
  3. 1/4 small red onion – finely diced
  4. 4 cloves of garlic finely diced
  5. 4-6 ounces Shiitake Mushrooms sliced in 1/4 inch slices
  6. 1 bunch of organic green onions cut up in small rounds
  7. 1 bunch of organic cilantro chopped
  8. 1 lemon – cut in wedges
  9. 1 tablespoon of Ghee, olive oil, avocado oil
  10. Two cups water

Sauté mushrooms on medium heat in fat of your choice (no veggie oil) in a medium sauce pain for 6-7 minutes. Add onions and sauté till they are translucent. Then add garlic and sauté for another 2 minutes.

Next add the chicken stock, diced sweet potatoes, and water. Bring to a boil and let simmer for at least thirty minutes to up to two hours.

To serve simply ladle the soup into a bowl and add a big handful of green onion and cilantro. Then squeeze a wedge of lemon into it and enjoy!

**I was cooking a lot of button mushrooms for my mom but I recently stopped after Paul Stamets on the Joe Rogan Podcast, warmed against eating them.

I highly recommend it. Paul Stamets is the most knowledgeable guy on the planet when it comes to mushrooms.

Button mushrooms, crimini and portobellos are all the same mushroom, Agaricus bisporus. He hesitated during the Podcast to reveal why to avoid them but I did a little digging and it turns out that Agaricus bisporus contain chemicals called agarotines that when digested can be carcinogenic.

I found a video of him explaining this in more detail. He said it’s analogous to smoking a cigarette when you eat one, except instead of just causing tumors in the lungs like cigarettes these compounds can create tumors all over your body.

So needless to say we avoid all button, portobello, and crimins until further scientific testing is done. Thankfully delicious Shiitake mushrooms don’t contain these carcinogenic chemicals.

In this video he explains to Daryl Hannah (yes the actress) starting at 6:30 why he thinks people shouldn’t eat button mushrooms and portobellos.

I hope you will consider trying the soup. It’s something we have really enjoyed.

Brad Miller

Fellow Human

Opioid prohibition is destined to fail

Prohibitions in this country don’t tend to stick. There is good reason for that. Humans want to be free to choose what to consume. Governments, do-gooders, and doctors will never change that.

Alcohol prohibition sparked the current War on Choice that we are currently suffering under. The campaign was puritanical in nature and the “social costs” of alcohol were frequently bandied about as a reason to ban it. But like all government interventions the Prohibition of Alcohol was a colossal failure. Instead of increasing morality in society it increased real crime.

Gangsters through violence became powerful and wealthy during Alcohol Prohibition. Governments grew more powerful as well. But the people got sick of the violence and the encroachment of Government into their lives and it was overturned.

But the philosophy and profits of prohibition were so appealing to those in power it would soon return. Once Alcohol Prohibition was gone the good people at the Bureau of Prohibition didn’t have anything to fight.

Henry Anslinger the head of the Bureau of Prohibition was determined to find a new target. It didn’t take him long to turn the puritanical racial attitudes that fueled the push to make alcohol illegal towards an evil weed, Marijuana.

Interestingly while Anslinger and The Bureau of Prohibition were busy busting up speakeasies he said that Cannabis didn’t harm people and didn’t make them violent. He changed his tune when his Department was axed. He became the head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and was instrumental in getting Marijuana Prohibition established at the Federal level.

Thanks to Anslinger’s lies about the health risks of Marijuana and the dubious anecdotes he collected, Reefer Madness swept the nation. It was fueled by blatant racism and puritanical self righteousness that we still see echoes of in the current opioid crisis propaganda. But like all prohibitions, Marijuana Prohibition was destined to fail.

Unlike with Alcohol Prohibition, Marijuana Prohibition wasn’t ended at the Federal level. But it’s effectively over. Millions and millions of Americans have defied the Federal Government, rejected their lies and propaganda and continued to use Cannabis despite Federal Prohibition for over seventy years.

We live in an era where the people have defied the Federal Government and won. Eight States have fully legalized Marijuana and another 21 have some form of a Medical Marijuana programs even though the DEA still has it as a Schedule I drug.

From their website:

Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Some examples of Schedule I drugs are:

heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), marijuana (cannabis), 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy), methaqualone, and peyote

People have seen through the lies of the government and the philanthropic tyrants. Cannabis is safe and extremely effective for millions of people for a myriad of health issues and for improving well-being. The health benefits are astounding and more and more are being discovered all the time.

The current opioid crisis is the latest in a long line of hysterias that have swept this country based on government propaganda and spread by a compliant media. Alcohol and Marijuana proceeded it and have been overturned completely at the Federal level or by defiance at the local level. Opioids will be no different in the coming years.

Millions of people safely use pain pills everyday to help ease their suffering. The current hysteria has all the hallmarks of the classic prohibition manias of the past. There is a strong moral disgust component, an us versus them mentality, and a healthy dose of ignorance thrown in.

Those who profit from prohibition are the ones pushing the opioid crisis hype as well as the philanthropic tyrants who believe they alone know how others should live. How sociopathic must a person be to tell someone who is in physical pain that they can’t have their pain relieved because there are a small percentage of people who may overdose on a similar type of medicine?

That makes absolutely no sense.

The two main problems cited as being the “opioid crisis” are deaths due to overdose and addiction.

The majority of the deaths are due to illicit fentanyl laced heroin caused in large part by the War on Drugs & the US governments complicity in growing, protecting & shipping Afghanistan poppies. Afghanistan became the number one grower of illicit poppies in the world after the US government invasion.

If the deaths aren’t due to bad heroin they are usually attributable to combination of drugs which are prescribed to someone else or illegal.

The second problem cites is the bogey man of addiction. This is the issue that sparks the puritanical self righteousness which fuels these types of hysterias. Those who are addicted are viewed as morally weak and depraved. And people live in fear of pain pills. It is almost as if pain pills are seen as demons who will possess anyone and cause them to do horrible things to get their “fix”.

This is totally irrational. In reality addiction has its basis in biology and not in demonology. Plus it’s extremely rare. Only about 2-3% of people have the predisposition for real addiction. In the near future we will be able to test for this and get those who need actual help instead of locking them up.

The answer proposed to the above two problems is to place draconian restrictions on opioids for people in pain. That’s the great answer from the enlightened elites. Make people suffer more. Brilliant!

Chronic pain patients aren’t overdosing on illicit heroin. That is unless they have had their pain pill allotment cut and they are still in pain. By further restricting access to prescription pain pills the government is forcing those in pain to look to the black market for relief.

Could they in fact be doing this on purpose to get more people buying Afghanistan Heroin?

And on top of the Opioid Prohibition currently taking shape the DEA wants to Schedule I Kratom. It’s a plant from Southeast Asia that has amazing properties that can help ease pain and eliminate opioid withdrawal symptoms. Plus it’s extremely safe despite the government propaganda to the contrary.

I myself have used it and it works. I’ve been in chronic pain for 30 years and have taken pain pills ever since. Unfortunately I’ve also had my supply cut do to this opioid insanity and I do run out before the end of the month depending on my pain level.

I’m not addicted but I am physically habituated to Narcotics like most people who’ve taken them for decades. Addiction and habituation are not the same. Now when I don’t have pain pills for 48 hours my body does react in a negative way.

It’s extremely unpleasant. Being in pain plus going through physical withdrawal is almost unbearable. Kratom takes away 80-90% of the terrible withdrawal symptoms and eases my pain as well. It’s so empowering to know I have an option if I run out of pain medicine or can’t get a prescription refilled. And of course the DEA hates this and wants to ban it.

More prohibition is not the answer. Making people suffer in pain is not the answer. If the DEA wanted to save tens of thousands of lives they would legalize heroin tomorrow and leave Kratom alone.

Prohibition is big business not only for the government but also for crony capitalists who reap huge profits by filling their prisons. The DEA, FDA, CDC have their budgets at stake. Local police departments rely on grants and civil asset forfeiture sharing with the DEA. Unions who represent law enforcement and prison workers want more people in prison. The private companies that now run government stocked prisons have contracts requiring that 90% or more of the cells have to be filled or they receive increased compensation to make up the difference. Rehab centers want more and more people in their facilities as well. Each arrest means profit for someone. Prohibition fills the pockets of politicians, prison owners, Union Leaders, and law enforcement.

Don’t forget that the media makes a ton off of this as well. Fear sells. False sense of security sells as well. It always has. Alcohol Prohibition and Marijuana Prohibition were accomplished with complicity of the media.

There are also profits that go unseen but are just as powerful a motivator that keeps Prohibition in place. Black Market profits are laundered through the largest banks in the world, the CIA uses them to fund their dark operations, bribes from them line the pockets of politicians, law enforcement officers and judges.

Prohibition accomplishes none of what it promises and never will. Crime, corruption and violence multiplies because of it. Anyone who talks of the “societal cost” of the opioid crisis doesn’t understand the cost of chronic pain, the cost of the prison system, the cost of the War on Drugs, the cost of compliance by doctors and pharmacies, the hours wasted by patients who are forced to go back to the doctor to get a physical prescription, the cost of mandatory drug testing for pain patients, the cost of the SWAT teams, and the cost of the people living in fear of a tyrannical government who is forcing them to live in pain or risk going to prison.

The current opioid hysteria is being used as a way to rebrand the War on Drugs and ensure the increased budgets of the DEA, DOJ, CDC and FDA. The War on Drugs is extremely unpopular and people are questioning if it should even be waged. The majority of people know that the powers that be were lying for decades about the dangers of Cannabis. Just like Harry Anslinger in the 1930’s needed a new target after the ending of Alcohol Prohibition the DEA needed to swing attention away from the failure of Marijuana Prohibition to a new target – enter the Opioid Crisis.

People want to be free to make their own choices. That will never change. Prohibition of any kind is a battle that can never be won. Look at drugs inside of prisons. The State can’t even keep them out of secure buildings that they have 100% control over.

That is why the opioid crisis propaganda is not focusing on illegal opioids. Instead the target is doctors and people in pain. The powers that be are issuing new restrictive guidelines for doctors to limit the prescribing of pain pills. It’s the same reason why cops give speeding tickets instead of going after known criminals. The criminals have guns and they payoff the cops. Everyday citizens caught “speeding” are easy pickings just like people in pain are.

The sick and suffering are being targeted because they are an easy target. Those sick and suffering don’t give up easy though. Opioids are effective and safe. People in pain shouldn’t be forced to suffer because of politicians colluding with bureaucrats, prison owners, and law enforcement unions to brand them as criminals because they seek the most effective tool to eliminate their pain which are opioids.

A backlash is occurring against Opioid Prohibition though and it will continue to grow in proportion to the degree its enforced. Make no mistake the government would love to outlaw all opioids. That would keep the prisons full, law enforcement budgets fat, and politicians pockets filled with bribes and kickbacks.

Opioid Prohibition is destine to end just as Alcohol and Marijuana Prohibition did. People will see through the lies of the do-gooders, the social reformers, the philanthropic tyrants, the government doctors, the corrupt politicians and the ambitious bureaucrats and will end it at the Federal level, at the local level or just ignore it. If there is demand there will always be supply.

The problem with the philosophy of prohibition is that it has no logical end. Everything you ingest causes some harm. The very air you breathe coupled with the food you eat is causing oxidative damage in your body that will eventually contribute to your death.

Will the prohibition pushers next target be food? Will we all be required to have a prescription for the food we buy? Why not? That would be inline with the philosophy of prohibition.

The societal cost of obesity, diabetes and heart disease are thousands of times more than the cost of individuals using opioids. Food plays an enormous role in these deadly and debilitating diseases. If the same logic for opioid prohibition is to be used to help the most people than it should be applied to all products with wheat and sugar, and vegetable oil in them. They all contribute to causing so called lifestyle diseases.

And all other foods would be by prescription only of course. They could be called food pyramid prescriptions. Only the enlightened elite know what’s best for us. Think of a supermarket that has all the food locked behind shelves. You have to present a government approved doctor written list of the foods you are allowed to buy. That is the future we are heading to if the do-gooders, the social planners, and the politicians continue with using prohibition as a means to restrict freedom for a nebulous purpose such as lowering “societal costs”.

If you think that could never happen go and try to buy Sudafed off the shelf. That’s right you can’t it’s locked up behind the counter and you have to show ID and sign for it. Remember how Meth was the biggest threat the United States ever faced back in 2005? Taking away your ability to buy Sudafed without being tracked didn’t have the results they were hoping for. Last year alone Americans bought about $13 billion worth of Meth.

The philosophy behind prohibition is truly evil and has no logical end. If societal costs are the only measure for the use of force against peaceful individuals than all behavior is on the table for possible prohibition. Driving, owning firearms, swimming, showering, or other “dangerous” activities could be next.

The social engineers are never satisfied. They think they can perfect society if only they can use the force of government to implement their utopian schemes. They blame every ill of society on individual freedom while they think the actions of the government are perfect or at worse haven’t gone far enough. In fact they clamor for more government action never less. They believe they are the enlightened and educated elite who have a duty to save the ignorant masses from themselves. Of course by doing so they gain power, prestige and money.

Prohibition is based upon the belief that individuals don’t own themselves and shouldn’t have a choice of what to ingest because it could have “societal costs”. And how do they propose to do this? By making criminals out of peaceful individuals.

Taking pain pills is not a crime against humanity. True crime is violence committed against a person or his property. Ingesting a pill doesn’t qualify as a crime. Limiting access to a drug that eases physical suffering is. Using the force of government to force people to endure pain is tantamount to torture. The personal cost of pain is infinitely more expensive than any so called societal cost can ever be.

Americans are the only nation in the history of the world founded on a revolutionary idea: that our rights come from our humanity and not from the state. This fire of freedom still burns brightly in the hearts of millions. Prohibition of Opioids will end by voting or by massive civil disobedience.

One possible peaceful way to effectively end Opioid Prohibition is for every person in chronic pain to grow their own poppy plants in their backyard or indoors under lights. (I of course don’t advocate breaking the law)

If there was (hypothetically of course) a peaceful movement that encouraged and helped everyone who wanted to control the means to ease their physical suffering; to grow poppy flowers, Opioid Prohibition would be impossible enforce.

Every backyard would have a few of these plants and every individual who chose to take control of easing his or her own physical pain, would have on hand the most effective mix of compounds humans have every discovered for eliminating pain, the sap of the poppy.

It was the underground Cannabis Cultivation culture that greatly helped end Marijuana Prohibition. In fact one day they were “illegal growers” and after legalization they were now “legal growers”. It can happen that fast.


A powerful backyard pharmcacy could be created by growing poppy plants, different strains of Cannabis, and medicinal mushrooms including the magic kind. If you’ve ever grown your own food you know the amazing satisfaction and power you feel being able to feed yourself directly from your own effort. Now think what it will feel like when you can ease your physical suffering from the sap of a poppy plant you grow in your medicinal garden.

That my friend is how you fix healthcare. It’s with more freedom not less.

The poppy plant is a miracle of nature. It has eased the physical suffering of millions and millions of people. Very few ever become addicted and even less overdose on “legal” or “illegal” opioids. Humans have made choices about what to ingest long before the FDA, DEA or any other government agency existed. People and poppies go back thousands and thousands of years.

The backlash is coming. Governments could in the past get away with lying but no more. People are too informed and too connected through the internet. You can see groups banding together online because pain transcends artificial political boundaries.

Every individual has an innate right to consume what they choose and to be responsible for their actions. Pain pills aren’t a special class of property. They shouldn’t be locked behind a counter, you shouldn’t be required to obtain a prescription from a doctor to buy them and once you own them you should do with them what you choose.

Until we have true Medicinal Freedom in this country the less government intervention in the healthcare choices the better. Ending the War on people in pain is a great place to start.


Fellow Human

FDA is wrong about Kratom

Last month the Commissioner of the FDA Dr. Scot Gotlieb issued a press release concerning Kratom. Who would have thought a piece of government propaganda would be full of lies, misrepresentations and authoritarian arrogance.

Kratom must be something really horrible and dangerous if the FDA and DEA want to ban it, right?

Kratom is a plant that grows in Southeast Asia. There are many different strains that have helped people relieve pain, fatigue, depression and manage the symptoms of opioid withdrawal for centuries.

I personally have used Kratom as a adjunct pain reliever and to help with opioid withdrawal symptoms. I have found it very effective with no side effects.

What’s ironic is that I started taking Kratom because of the DEA and the FDAs actions last year. If the DEA hadn’t attempted to classify Kratom as a Schedule I drug I wouldn’t have found the hundreds of compelling and passionate videos of folks telling their story about how it’s changed their lives for the better.

The entire recent press release from the head of the FDA has no specifics about why Kratom should be illegal. He stresses it should be illegal because of a smattering of calls to Poison Control, 36 deaths which weren’t caused by Kratom and the fact that there is no scientific evidence for its efficacy and safety.

There is in fact evidence that it is safe and effective. In fact you can go online right now and do what I did before deciding to take Kratom and see the thousands of videos online in which individuals detail how they’ve greatly helped by it. I don’t think the commissioner did this. For thousands of years this plant has been used safely.

Dr. Gotlieb doesn’t want individuals to take Kratom because it’s unapproved. Well Cannabis is also unapproved but it’s used by millions of people everyday and has been used by humans for at least 5000 years. How long has the FDA been around?

Kratom is no different. In fact every adult has a natural right to choose what he or she consumes. We don’t need his permission to do so.

I trust thousands of years of indigenous use and the thousands of testimonials online that Kratom can help with serious conditions like pain and depression. The internet has destroyed the monopoly on medical information once held by those in power. He does however fail to talk about the thousands and thousands that have died from approved drugs since the FDA was created.

Thirty six deaths have been blamed on Kratom. Of these the autopsies are problematic and others will not be released to the public. Millions of people in this country and around the world take this plant medicine without dying. If were as unsafe as he claims hundreds or thousands would be dead. That’s just not the reality.

He further implies that only the FDA can keep Americans safe and ensure they are taken care of by the medical system. He fails to talk about the 250,000 deaths caused by medical errors each year by government licensed healthcare providers. He might want to spend some time on that.

This entire press release besides attacking Kratom is also an attack on anyone who desires to exercise medicinal freedom. This press release and the actions it describes are meant to keep people within government controlled healthcare and the pharmaceutical pipeline so they become dependent on the power of the prescription pad.

The hysteria around the risks of Kratom and the so called opioid crisis is being spread as a way to rebrand the immensely unpopular War on Drugs.

The compounds that make Kratom effective are in fact being being studied because they don’t have the same abuse and addiction potential as prescription opioids. That being said the rate of actual addiction with opioids is less than 3% of users.

If Dr. Gotlieb wanted to help those with addiction and with managing opioid withdrawal he would be encouraging the use of Kratom. There is nothing I’ve found and thousands and maybe millions of others have as well, a more effective means of alleviating the misery of opioid withdrawal symptoms.

All Dr. Gotlieb needs to do is spend an hour watching the videos of people crying when they explain how Kratom helped them kick heroin. There is a quote that I heard Dan Carlin say and that is “quantity has a quality all its own”. Even though those people and myself weren’t part of a double blind placebo study we know it has helped eliminate opioid withdrawal symptoms.

He believes along with the upper echelons of the FDA and DEA to determine what I should ingest and that I am too stupid to figure out what dosages to take. I figured out the right dosage of Kratom through personal experimentation, from the advice from the local health food shop and from those sharing their experiences in online videos. People aren’t as helpless, stupid or incompetent as the FDA Commissioner fears

Throughout the press release he admonished we the public that we should only go to government licensed health care providers and only use approved drugs. I myself have been chronically ill for 30 years. In that time I’ve spent a lot of time in hospitals and going to doctors. Today I’m still sick and in chronic pain everyday. I like millions of other Americans are tired of the traditional paternal Medical system and know that we can make our own health choices without government interference.

In the press release he misleads with statistics. He cites the tenfold increase in calls to poison control. In reality there were 26 calls in 2005 and a whopping 660 calls in 2015 representing about .003 percent of the 3 million total calls to poison control per year. And 93% of those calls were concerning minor side effects.

To further put these 660 calls concerning Kratom to Poison Control in perspective, they received this year alone 9996 calls for kids being exposed to laundry detergent and 17,000 calls about kids and hand sanitizer. He deliberately mislead the American people to gin up support for this immoral and criminal attack on Kratom.

He also mentions the 32 deaths associated with Kratom. What he doesn’t mention is that zero deaths have been linked to Kratom being used by itself. All of these deaths occurred when a individual ingested multiple substances.

Next he laments the lack of research and urges those who support the uses of Kratom to submit drugs containing Kratom through the FDA approval system. This was before he bragged about how his agency has overseen the voluntary destruction of hundreds of shipments of Kratom and vowed to stop them all.

It’s a catch-22 for researchers. Do the research but without the plant. It’s the same issue researchers have dealt with since Cannabis Prohibition was passed. The FDA would also love to have supporters of Kratom abandon their position that its a safe and natural supplement and not a drug. If those who support Kratom they need to keep it out of the FDA Machine.

How can anyone trust the FDA or the DEA? They have constantly lied to the public about Cannabis, MDMA, and psilocybin Mushrooms.These same institutions are using their tried and true playbook to stop individuals from taking safe and effective natural medicines and driving them by force to doctors who have the power of the prescription pad.

The evidence is mostly anecdotal now but more and more research is showing it is effective at pain relief, helping ease anxiety and depression as well as treat opioid withdrawal symptoms. If the DEA and FDA bam Kratom it will be almost impossible for researchers to study its effects.

Here is a scientific analysis using the DEA’s own 8 Factor criteria from The American Kratom Association. In it Kratom clears all 8 categories and proves using their own criteria that it should be legal and left alone.

The FDA urges supporters p Kratom to use their botanical drug products approval process which in reality is designed to allow big pharma to patent compounds found in plants. This is a clear attempt to stop individuals from buying Kratom and forcing people to buy instead pharmaceuticals based on the plant.

The same process is going on with Cannabis. Just like with Cannabis I believe that taking the whole Kratom leaf is the best way to go instead of using extracts. Kratom has many different compounds that work in my opinion synergistically just like the cannabinoids do in Cannabis. Kratom is a plant medicine that people have been using for thousands of years. Millions of people have taken it and the safety profile far exceeds the majority of drugs approved by the FDA.

The real point to his entire speech is that the American people are too stupid to make their own healthcare decisions. Only government licensed doctors dispensing government approved drugs can be used by those who are sick and suffering. There is no public. There are only individuals. And thousands of individuals have found Kratom to be effective at easing their suffering and making life more tolerable.

Do you think politicians have your best interest at heart? Do you think the FDA is not in league with pharmaceutical companies?

Do you think that the FDA’s arrival process is meant to protect individuals or protect the profits of pharmaceutical companies?

What if I don’t want the FDA to have the authority to protect me? What if I want to live in a country where my natural right to consume what I choose is respected and I can buy any man made compound or natural medicine to ease my suffering or assuage my symptoms as I see fit? He doesn’t address this question.

I don’t want him or any other bureaucrat helping to prevent a substance I know to be safe and effective from getting a grip on me. What he is definitely not concerned about is what does have a grip on me which is chronic pain and a medical system that treats me like a child and a criminal at the same time.

As an adult in the so called land of the free, a nation built on the bedrock of natural rights which includes along with the Freedom of Speech the Freedom of consumption, I like every other adult own myself and I can choose to ingest a substance and bear the consequences.

The oxygen you’re breathing right now and the food you ate today will eventually kill you. The oxidative stress metabolism causes creates free radical molecules that reek havoc on your body. They destroy enzymes that protect your DNA and cause lipid peroxidation which is linked to causing over 200 hundred diseases including Heart Disease and Cancer, the two biggest killers in this country.

No one gets out of this world alive. While we are here we shouldn’t be restricted in what substance we use to make our stay here on Earth more enjoyable. When you are sick and suffering the last thing you need is Dr. Scott Gotlieb or any other bureaucrat of the FDA or DEA or any other agency standing between you and relief. Keep Kratom legal and legalize all drugs!

Brad Miller

Advocate of Medicinal Freedom

Medicinal Freedom

I believe that every individual has he right to consume what they choose to and to also bear the consequences of those choices.

Medicinal Freedom is simply the ability to exercise this natural innate right without restriction from the government.In the near future I believe that we will have true Medicinal Freedom. This means that every individual can buy any and every type of synthetic or natural medicine they choose.

Not only will adults be able to buy any type of medicines they choose, they will also be able to grow our own. This freedom will allow individuals to treat their symptoms and to ease their suffering for a fraction of the cost they can now with even more effective options.Anyone will be able to create their own medicinal garden or backyard pharmacy.

Think of a backyard pharmacy in which you have different strains of Cannabis that have the mix of cannabinoids specific to treat your symptoms. Cannabinoids such as CBD, CBN, and of course THC have been proven to help treat the symptoms of diseases ranging from Migraines to Epilepsy and even in helping to treat cancer.

Along with Cannabis you could grow a medicinal mushroom patch which would include species that can lower cholesterol, help treat cancer, boost your immune system and help to enhance your mental wellbeing. In addition to mushrooms and cannabis many people would choose to grow poppy plants as well.

For thousands of years humans have used the milk of the poppy to ease physical suffering. With a garden full of poppy plants those with pain will no longer have to suffer and be without adequate relief. And that adequate relief will be defined bythe individual not by some suit at the DEA, CDC or FDA or by an ignorant authoritarian grandstanding politician.

In addition to being able to grow our own backyard pharmacy, in an atmosphere of Medicinal Freedom, pharmaceutical companies will no longer be able to hide behind the power of government. They will have to produce much more affordable safer and effective drugs because they will be selling directly to the consumer. Currently they enjoy a diffusion of responsibility because of the FDA, DEA, and the prescription restriction racket.In this new atmosphere of freedom and responsibility Drug companies will have to compete with safe and effective medicines that individuals can grow at home. Further competition will come from new startups that focus on harnessing the power of nature to cure, treat and prevent diseases. These new market forces will cause drug companies to change what products they produce as well as how they sell them.

I can envision a future in which Pfizer and Merk will open their own retail locations. They could even have doctors in their stores to offer free health consultations and even free blood tests. This would be an effort to keep you in their product ecosystem. Other drug companies who don’t have a direct retail presence will choose to sell their offerings at places like Walmart or even through Amazon. Drug safety in this environment would actually increase. Right now the FDA protects drug companies by allowing them to sell products that kill and maim millions of people. The corrupt prescription and patent system allow them to rake in Billions in profits which they are then able to settle the lawsuits for their dangerous products.Without the shield of the FDA drug companies will be no different than any other company in America. They will have to produce a safe product or be held responsible. Third party testing companies will emerge as well to increase safety. Drug companies or natural medicine companies could charge a premium for having their product’s purity and safety verified. Online reviews would also help people make the decision whether to buy a medicine or not. This collective type of wisdom is how humanity determined what was safe to eat or what was effective as medicines for millennia.When we have true Medicinal Freedom drug safety will be increased, healthcare costs will plummet, new more effective natural medicines will be brought to market, and individuals will be able to grow their own backyard pharmacy.Brad Miller Fellow Human

Trump’s ill-advised donation and the Opioid Crisis

Trump donated his 3rd quarter salary to The Department of Health and Human Services last week. He designated the money to go towards the education of Americans to help combat the opioid crisis. In other words he wants more government propaganda that is filled with misinformation and outright lies about compounds derived from the opioid plant. This to me is a mistake. The HHS has a trillion dollar budget and along with the War on Drugs has created a healthcare system that is broken due to the absence of true individual choice. This donation besides being given to a corrupt, bloated and inefficient government entity is also adding to the lie based hysteria called the Opioid Crisis.
Those who claim there is an Opioid Epidemic (which actually makes no sense) is based upon the 33,000 Opioid involved deaths in the last year. In reality the vast majority of these deaths are caused by black market heroin laced with fentanyl. The War on Drugs and the ridiculous prescription restriction medical cartel has contributed to these deaths. I believe every adult has the right to consume what substances they choose. When individuals are free to buy what substances they want to for their own reasons, the cost of healthcare will plummet, deaths from adulterated black market products will end and individuals will get adequate relief for their emotional and physical pain.
Trump could have donated his taxpayer salary to MAPS if he really wanted to help people. MAPS is funding research that has proven that MDMA is a great treatment for folks with PTSD and their budget is only $5.1 million. Another option for Trump’s donation would be to fund research that is aimed at reducing the top three killers of Americans which are Cardiovascular disease which kills 600,000+ per year, Cancer which kills another 600,000 and medical errors hat kill an estimated 250,000 people per year. He could have also brought much needed media attention to the tragedy of suicide in the US. Over 44,000 people per year take their own life.
The opioid crisis is merely a rebranding of the War on Drugs. With the legalization of Cannabis in many states and the backlash for their plans to Schedule I Kratom, those who profit from the War on Drugs are looking for anyway to stay relevant and maintain their levels of funding. In fact the so-called experts say that billions and billions will be needed to combat the opioid crisis. If they really wanted to eliminate a vast majority of the opioid related deaths they could tomorrow legalize heroin. Instead the CDC and the VA are setting guidelines for doctors to reduce or even eliminate the use of effective pain medications that people with pain need. This will lead more people to look to the black market, which will result in more deaths. We don’t need more government intervention in our healthcare decisions.
We definitely do not need more government propaganda that is filled with lies concerning pain medicine. What we truly need is more freedom.
You can watch my take on this at:
Brad Miller
Fellow Human